Disqus Powered Comments Are Way Cool!

Disqus is an off site commenting system that can easily be integrated into WordPress with just a few clicks! Once you install the plugin just follow the simple instructions to create your account and have a comment system that does everything from comment moderation through social network sharing.

This one easily made it on my list of “MUST HAVE” WordPress plugins.

WordPress, Mailchimp and Contact Me FTW!

FTW = For The Win! That means THIS IS WAY COOL!

It’s so easy to integrate your Contact Me form on your WordPress powered website with your Mailchimp powered mailing list for give aways AND have it all interconnected into your mailing list!

What you don’t know is that having a single point where you can mange ALL of your mailing lists is critically important but it’s often not all that easy to also have your “Contact Me” form connected into the same system because usually your contact form will simply email you a message…

Mailchimp has an API method that makes it very simple to achieve this ofter overlooked detail.

YOU don’t need to know what API even means - you just need to KNOW somebody who does!

And THAT somebody is me…

Get Connected RIGHT NOW!

Welcome to WordPress for Life Coaches!

This is a primarily a resource for you to learn about using WordPress as your first life coach website!

WordPress is:

  • Easy to install (takes less than 5 minutes!)
  • Easy to add pages to - just click.
  • Easy to change the look and feel.
  • Easy to add plugins to enhance functionality

Long story short is if you are looking to deploy a FAST & EASY website with a few pages to get started with WordPress  is a GREAT choice for life coaches!

You can install it on almost any host and have your very own website online RIGHT NOW!

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